All posts in Denture Tips

What Are Immediate Dentures?

What Are Immediate Dentures?

When a person’s natural teeth are not healthy enough to be saved, replacement teeth become their best option. Between extractions and receiving a new set of dentures… A temporary set of teeth is required. This temporary set of teeth is known as an ‘immediate denture’. Before going ahead with your new life, here are some […]


Flexible Dentures vs 3D Printed?

Flexible Dentures vs 3D Printed?

Artificial teeth have advanced over time to ease the transition from natural to artificial teeth. New technologies, such as flexible dentures, and 3D printed dentures have increased the comfort level for many people and grown the hassle-free faculty. It is difficult to make the transition from natural to artificial teeth, but many options are available […]


Reason You Should Replace Your Missing Tooth.

Reason You Should Replace Your Missing Tooth.

Missing teeth create a gap in your smile and most likely a gap in your self-confidence. Self-esteem issues may be the biggest problem people have with a missing tooth. But you may not know that a missing tooth can have other health implications that we will discover in this blog. What could happen Crooked Teeth. […]


Signs Your Dentures Need A Replacement.

Signs Your Dentures Need A Replacement.

Working in this industry we always hear stories about people having dentures for 50+ years and having no issues. Or other people that are deterred by getting a new set in case they don’t compare to their old one. Well, in this new addition to our blog we explore why the latter is true, and […]


Ways Dentures Improve Your Health and Life.

Ways Dentures Improve Your Health and Life.

Happy New Year! 2022 brings new challenges, new experiences, and a new set of teeth. And with this new year new you mentality what a better way to start out our first blog with some ways your dentures can improve your health. Chewing And Digestion. Chewing food properly is an integral part of digestion, but […]




How Much Should Dentures Cost? Typically they vary in cost due to many different types, how many teeth are required, and what material they’re made from. This price variation does not include extractions or surgery because this is generally done out of the clinic at your dentist. What Materials Are Used In Dentures? Conventional dentures […]


Why You Shouldn’t Sleep With Your Dentures In.

Why You Shouldn’t Sleep With Your Dentures In.

It is well known that people should take their dentures out at night, but have you ever wondered why? In this blog, we are going to go through the reasons for taking your denture out at night, where you should store your replacement teeth, and why it’s beneficial to take them out at night. And […]


Denturist Answers r/dentures Questions

Denturist Answers r/dentures Questions

Here’s part two of Denturist Answers Reddit r/dentures Questions. Take a read of part one if you missed it. This is a new series of blogs designed to answer all the questions you may have not thought of. Or if you’ve already started your new life with dentures and want some reassurance from real people […]


Consultations – What To Expect During Your First Visit.

Consultations – What To Expect During Your First Visit.

We offer a free consultation to patients ready to start their new journey with dentures. Dental work can seem like a grueling process, but with a little information, and after ‘biting the bullet’ and visiting your local denture clinic… you’ll soon realize it isn’t as tiring as it seems. Every patient is different with all […]


Denturist Answers Reddit r/dentures Questions.

Denturist Answers Reddit r/dentures Questions.

Reddit is a great website to find all sorts of information on the topics you’re interested in. With millions of subreddits on the site, we looked through r/dentures and searched for some questions you may have never thought of before. This is a new series on our blog to help with difficult questions from real […]
